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Career Resumé

Period / Country Sponsor / Position Projects/ functions / management experience
2020-2022 Umweltbundesamt • Project partner Revision Blue Angel Textiles
2019-2021 Various companies • Project coordinator Counseling in the area of ecolabels, especially textiles and footwear
2019 RAL gGmbH • Project partner Webinar Blue Angel Textiles
1999- ongoing Brussels, Belgium European Commission • expert Evaluation of research projects
2017-2018 Federal Environmental Agency (UBA, Berlin) • Project Coordinator Blue Angel Footwear
2015-2018 European Environmental Bureau • expert Definition of environmental quality standards: Water Framework Directive, evaluation or priority substances.
2015-2018 University Freiburg • lecturer Environment, Risks and Us
2013-2018 Various companies• Project Coordinator Support for the application of Environmental Quality Standards, Eco-Label
2017 European Environmental Bureau • expert Pharmaceuticals in the Environment
2016-2017 Federal Environmental Agency (UBA; Berlin) • Project Coordinator Blue Angle Textiles
2015 European Environmental Bureau • expert Revision of European Ecolabel Criteria for laundry detergents, dishwasher detergents, industrial and institutional automatic dishwasher detergents, industrial and institutional laundry detergents, hand dishwashing detergents and all-purpose cleaners and sanitary cleaners
2014-2015 Federal Environmental Agency • project coordinator/project partner Blue Angel for laundry detergents, dishwasher detergents, automatic dishwasher detergents, laundry detergents, hand dishwashing detergents, all-purpose cleaners and sanitary cleaners
2014-2016 Federal Environmental Agency • project partner Checklists of best available techniques in textile and leather industry, IT-Version
2014 European Environmental Bureau • expert European Ecolabel for footwear and furniture
2013 Federal Environmental Agency • project coordinator/project partner Blue Angel for leather; UBA FKZ 370995302
2012 Textile Industriy • Project coordinator Implementation of an Energy Management System according to ISO 50001, textile company with more than 800 employees.
2012 Federal Environmental Agency • project coordinator/project partner Blue Angel for sanitary additives and flushing water additives; UBA FKZ 370995302
2012 Analytical CRO in the pharmaceutical industry Advice and preparation of the GMP inspection by the authorities.
2011 Germany Federal Environmental Agency • project coordinator/project partner Checklists of best available techniques in textile and leather industry
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Germany, Austria different companies •project coordinator environmental labels for lubricants and soaps/shampoos
2008- 2012 Federal Environmental Agency / different companies • project coordinator Blue Angel for Textiles; UBA FKZ 3708 95 304, Laufzeit 2008 – 2010
1999- ongoing various European countries European Commission • Scientific coordinator Textile-research project (CRAFT) for the EU (scientific management, 9 participating countries); research, workshops, study, publications
1999- ongoing Germany, Belgium, other european countries with Ökologische Netze (Ecological Network) different sponsors • Proprietress Managerial and customer acquisition functions; consultancy for companies working in textiles, biocides, building products; quality assurance officer for GLP as per the German Chemikaliengesetz in an ecotoxicological laboratory (Hydrotox GmbH, Freiburg); expert assessor in Brussels, Belgium (5th general environmental program) joint projects with numerous institutes; lectures; various publications; workshops
2006- ongoing Brussels, Belgium European Commission • Reviewer Evaluation of research projects
2007- ongoing Ispra, Italy;
Brussels, Belgium
European Environmental Bureau • Expert Setting environmental quality standards (EQSs); Water Framework Directive
2008- ongoing Sevilla, Spain European Environmental Bureau • Expert Review of the tannery BREF
2006 Brussels, Belgium European Environmental Bureau • Expert REACH implementation project (RIP 3.2) testing requirements
2005 Germany VCI, BMU • project partner Exposure-based waiving; Concrete specifications of the waiving conditions in the context of the registration procedure according to REACH
2004 - 2006 Germany UBA • project partner About the duty to supply informations regarding alternative measures to biocide use
UBA-FKZ: 203 67 488, 2004 to 2005
2004 - 2006 Germany BauA • project partner Orderly use and professional practise for biocide users
BAuA-FKZ: F1929, 2004 to 2005
2004 - 2008 Europe European IP-project • Workpackage leader SOPHIED Sustainable Bioprocesses for the European Colour Industries, Integrated Project, FP6-NMP2-CT-2004-505899, 2004-2008
2002 Germany VCI • project partner White Paper, Strategy for a future Chemicals Policy; Experiences and Future Perspectives for information management; workshops and study
2002 Thailand GTZ • expert Appropriate Regulatory Measures and Policy Reform for Pesticide Risk Reduction; 2nd mission Ecotoxicology, lectures and laboratory work
2001 Thailand GTZ • expert Appropriate Regulatory Measures and Policy Reform for Pesticide Risk Reduction; 1st mission Ecotoxicology lectures and laboratory work
1989- 1999 Germany Hydrotox GmbH different sponsors • Manager and partner Managerial and customer acquisition functions; head of ecotoxicology department; quality assurance officer for GLP; consultancy for industrial companies working in textiles, biocides; ecological optimization of products and processes; research projects for the Umweltbundesamt (German environmental protection agency) and the European Commission; (eco)toxicological evaluation of chemicals and products; risk assessment and evaluation of pesticides for use in agriculture and in buildings; lectures; various publications
1993- 1994 Germany Handwerkskammer (chamber of craft trades) Freiburg • Teacher Further training of environmental experts; subject : acquisition of environmental data; evaluation of data; ecotoxicology; bio-test procedures
1988- 1989 Germany Öko-Institut Freiburg • Project head Projects in pesticides; pyrethrum and pyrethroids; phosphoric acid esters, Neem
1986- 1987 Germany Freiburg Institute for environmental chemistry • Chemist Research projects on adsorption of mineral oil in water
Since 1981 Germany; 1x USA, conference; 1x Brussels, conference BUND (Bund für Umwelt-und Naturschutz) study group for environmental chemicals / toxicology • Pesticides, interior air quality, textiles, eco(toxicology), the German Chemikaliengesetz, chemicals policy, sustainable development

Special knowledge and abilities

Communicative abilities (e.g. team-work, resolving conflicts, project management), coordinating groups, organizing conferences / seminars; structuring the content of lectures and seminars, giving lectures, holding seminars; publications for scientific journals and interested lay audiences; computer literacy: MS-Word, MS-Excel, database interrogation and data export in MS-Access, Internet research

Linguistic abilities

German native speaker, able to speak and read English, possibility to understand some French


In addition to the above-mentioned professional activities, I have also given many classes in adult education centers (German Volkshochschule) and organized numerous seminars on the subject of interior air quality and the use of pesticides inside buildings.

I am a member of the following organizations :

  • Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (Society of German chemists)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für gute Forschungspraxis (German society for sound research practice)